
The 5 Weirdest of My Habits

I've been tagged by AMG for my five weirdest habits, here they are in no particular order:

1. If I left my shoes by the door at night I have to turn them upside down and give them a shake before I put them on to make sure nothing crawled inside them........like my apartment is infested with scorpions or something.

2. When I'm using scissors I open and close my mouth whenever the scissors open and close....probably some kind of a shorted ciruit.

3. I ALWAYS give clothes the sniff test before putting them on, even if they are hanging in my closet or fresh out of the dryer.

4. I don't like to be confined to one choice of where to sleep. My one bedroom apartment has three places I sleep, my bed, my couch and a weird little nest of blankets on top of a beanbag chair.

5. I like to drive with my driver side window down year-round. Rain or shine, doesn't matter.

And that's all I have time for, we're headed to the mountains for some sledding today!!!


Anonymous said...

dude. I remember the scissors thing :) . . . . . .awww

You also used to line canned goods up in a long train on the floor.
Do you still do that?

always nice to read your blog and what's up. have fun sledding!

Lara said...

Haha, that scissor thing is hilarious. I think I need to see it in person!