
Garden Updates

I've put a lot of work into the backyard recently, including finishing the pond. No, really, I think it is actually done now. All I have to do is learn a LOT more about caring for the water and getting Ma Nature to balance it out for me. The final redesign for the pond included cement and stone walls bordering the lower pond. I have never worked with cement before but am very happy with the way it turned out.....THE POND PROJECT(by the numbers, for joanne)

900....................................capacity, in gallons, of the pond
12,652...............................amount, in gallons, that the previous seven designs leaked out
8.........................................number of times I 'finished' the project
87.......................................trips to the hardware store
500....................................initial budget, in $
1,500.................................final cost, whoops
6,000.................................cost to have it installed professionally
1.........................................weeks to have it installed professionally
0.........................................amount of fun that would have been
61.......................................weeks to install it myself(see NOV '06)
6.........................................mouthfuls of stagnant mud water while siphon-starting shitty pump.
150....................................cost of brand new pump on bestnest.com
3........................................pairs of pants ruined by expanding foam sealant
1.........................................times I glued my forearm to my bicep with expanding foam sealant
16......................................."toolman" taylor references by onlookers

Also, my pumpkin patch has been blooming for almost two weeks now! I have two kinds of pumpkins, one good for carving and another that is good for baking. Should make for some fun at Rachel's SEVENTH ANNUAL HALLOWEEN PARTY. One question though, as the blossoms fade away, they are falling off.....is that normal for pumpkins or does that mean they were not pollinated? Anybody know?


Rachel said...

Here's what i found on pumpkins...


looks like there are female and male blooms...

Anonymous said...

The pond looks superb, and based on the numbers, it seems like it was well worth it (and it otherwise kept you out of trouble).

I'm not an expert on pumpkin flowers, but I believe it is normal for them to fall off. I suspect some people even eat them like squash flowers are eaten.

joanne said...

Yes, as long as you have those sweet little round things that show up right behind the flower, then you are the proud papa of a baby pumpkin! I can't believe how much they've grown.

And thanks Joe for the 'numbers' I laughed all the way through the list

JoeyJoJoJo said...

I thought you might like that Joanne!!

Anonymous said...

Grandpa would be proud of you, pollenating your pumpkins--good job :)

I hope you get to carve some scary jack-o-lanterns and make some yummy pumpkin pies.


Anonymous said...

And . . . the pond looks incredible! You did goot!